Dual Diagnosis Statistics

  • Currently in the United States, over 20% of all inmates in the prison system have been classified with a dual diagnosis.
  • Studies have indicated that over 38% of individuals who have been diagnosed with some form of mental illness may also be engaged in abusing alcohol or other various types of drugs.
  • Research has indicated that depression is the mental condition that is found in over 46% of those individuals with a dual diagnosis.
  • Among teenagers in the United States that are between the ages of 12 and 17, over 60% of the adolescents who experienced an episode of major depression within the past year were three times as likely to have engaged in abusing drugs or alcohol than teens with no history of depression.
  • Approximately 39% percent of individuals who abuse alcohol and over 40% of drug abusers are likely to have at least one serious mental illness, according to a current government conducted mental health study.
  • In the United States, over 29% of individuals with schizophrenia have also experienced a substance abuse problem, which is almost four times as much as the general population.
  • Over 51% percent of individuals with bipolar disorder also had a drug or alcohol addiction problem, which is reported to be more than five times as likely as the general population.
  • Over 33% percent of individuals with a 12-month substance abuse problem have been determined to have at least one mental disorder.
  • Approximately 17% percent of individuals that have been diagnosed with a mental disorder also have struggled with a drug or alcohol addiction problem at some point in their lives.
  • Approximately 33% of the individuals who have been diagnosed with a mental illness will also suffer from drug addiction, alcoholism or some other type of substance abuse problem, at some point in their lives.
  • More than 29% of all of the men and women in the United States that struggle with a drug addiction, alcohol addiction or some other type of a substance abuse problem also suffer from at least one mental health problem as well.
  • The United States prison system is currently filled with individuals suffering from a dual diagnosis; some estimate the percentage of incarcerated individuals in need of treatment for this condition to be as high as one in five prisoners.
  • Over 30% percent of the individuals who have struggled with alcoholism for more than five years are reported to also be suffering from some form of mental illness.
  • Those individual who are suffering with a dual diagnosis are at a 43% higher risk for suicide.
  • Over 44%% of those individuals who have a history of long term substance abuse problems are believed to have experienced at least one significant mental illness as well, at some point in their lives
  • Over 39% of all individuals with a mental illness have been reported to also suffer from a drug or alcohol addiction problem, at some point in their lives.
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