Drug Rehab by City
- Fort Lauderdale
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- Largo
- Delray Beach
- Port St. Lucie
- Spring Hill
- Vero Beach
- Fort Pierce
- Winter Haven
- Palm Bay
- Deltona
- Apopka
- St. Augustine
- Jupiter
- Brandon
- Cocoa
- Stuart
- Altamonte Springs
- Deerfield Beach
- Palm Beach Gardens
- Longwood
- Deland
- Fort Walton Beach
- Punta Gorda
- Miami Gardens
- Pinellas Park
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- Madison
- Port Richey
- St. Cloud
- Casselberry
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- Clermont
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- Holiday
- Lake Mary
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- Satellite Beach
- Gulf Breeze
- Rockledge
- Eustis
- Bartow
- Palatka
- Fernandina Beach
- Jacksonville Beach
- Palm City
- Avon Park
- Belle Glade
- Defuniak Springs
- Wesley Chapel
- Jensen Beach
- Crawfordville
- Mount Dora
- Maitland
- North Palm Beach
- Opa Locka
- Jacksonville
- Starke
- Destin
- Monticello
- Panama City Beach
- Wauchula
- Tavares
- Key Largo
- Marathon
- Macclenny
- Yulee
- Thonotosassa
- Eglin AFB
- Live Oak
- Floral City
- Ocklawaha
- Lecanto
- Hilliard
- Marianna
- Neptune Beach
- Citra
- Quincy
- Miami
- Cross City
- Mulberry
- Apalachicola
- Bronson
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- Leesburg
- Lake City
- Wellington
- Hollywood
- Perry
- Winter Park
- Sanford
- Seminole
- Inverness
- Davenport
- Gainesville
- Intercession City
- Trenton
- Bay Pines
- Highland City
Dual Diagnosis Drug Rehabilitation Facilities in and around Starke, Florida:
- ITM Group is located at 140 West Call Street Starke FL. and can be contacted by calling 352-379-2829.
Treatment Services: Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Programs, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services for the Hearing Impaired
Payment Forms Accepted: Self Payment - Meridian Behavioral Healthcare is located at 945 Grand Street Starke FL. and can be contacted by calling 904-964-8382.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Programs for Patients with Dual-Diagnosis or Co-occurring Disorders, Criminal Justice Clients, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services for the Hearing Impaired
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding-Scale Fee - Meridian Behavioral Healthcare Inc is located at 945 Grand Street Starke FL. and can be contacted by calling 904-964-8382.
Treatment Services: Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Programs, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Programs for Patients with Dual-Diagnosis or Co-occurring Disorders, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Programs for Women, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Programs for Men, Criminal Justice Clients, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services for the Hearing Impaired
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding-Scale Fee - Meridian Behavioral Healthcare (17 miles from Starke) is located at 10 West Main Street Lake Butler FL. and can be contacted by calling 386-496-2347 x8500.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services for the Hearing Impaired
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding-Scale Fee - Clay Behavioral Health Center Inc (18.9 miles from Starke) is located at 3292 County Road 220 Middleburg FL. and can be contacted by calling 904-291-5561.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Programs for Patients with Dual-Diagnosis or Co-occurring Disorders, Criminal Justice Clients, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services for the Hearing Impaired, Spanish Speaking
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding-Scale Fee - Northeast Florida State Hospital (20.9 miles from Starke) is located at 7487 South State Road 121 Macclenny FL. and can be contacted by calling 904-259-6211.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Hospital Inpatient Programs for Dual-Diagnosis Patients, Criminal Justice Clients, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services for the Hearing Impaired, Spanish Speaking, Foreign Languages other than Spanish
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Self Payment, Payment Assistance for Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab - Clay Behavioral Health Center (21 miles from Starke) is located at 89 Knight Boxx Road Orange Park FL. and can be contacted by calling 904-213-2909.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services for the Hearing Impaired
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding-Scale Fee - Care 4 America (24.3 miles from Starke) is located at 901 NW 8th Avenue Gainesville FL. and can be contacted by calling 352-375-3335.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Programs for Patients with Dual-Diagnosis or Co-occurring Disorders, AIDS and HIV Patient Services for Dual-Diagnosis Drug Addiction, Lesbian/Gay Dual-Diagnosis Drug Abuse Services, Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab and Alcohol Abuse Treatment for Seniors, Criminal Justice Clients, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services for the Hearing Impaired, Spanish Speaking
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment, Payment Assistance for Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab - UF Health Shands Hospital (25.7 miles from Starke) is located at 1600 SW Archer Road Gainesville FL. and can be contacted by calling 352-265-0111.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Hospital Inpatient Programs for Dual-Diagnosis Patients, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services for the Hearing Impaired, Spanish Speaking, Foreign Languages other than Spanish
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Self Payment - Orange Park Medical Center (25.9 miles from Starke) is located at 2001 Kingsley Avenue Orange Park FL. and can be contacted by calling 904-639-8601.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Hospital Inpatient Programs for Dual-Diagnosis Patients, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services for the Hearing Impaired, Spanish Speaking
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment
- Alabama
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