Drug Rehab by City
- Worcester
- Brockton
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- Waltham
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- Taunton
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- Jamaica Plain
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- West Springfield
- Mattapan
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- East Falmouth
- North Dartmouth
- Newburyport
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- Southbridge
- North Adams
- Buzzards Bay
- Northampton
- Hyannis
- South Weymouth
- Greenfield
- Whitman
- Watertown
- Mashpee
- Leeds
- Millbury
- Charlestown
- Chestnut Hill
- Norwell
- Lowell
- Nantucket
- Great Barrington
- Indian Orchard
- Ayer
- Somerville
- Salem
- Pittsfield
- Quincy
- Marlborough
- Ashburnham
- Barre
- Burlington
- Norton
- Chelsea
- Newton
- Westwood
- Provincetown
- Boston
- Holyoke
- East Wareham
- Georgetown
- Bedford
- Plymouth
- Danvers
- Roxbury
- Peabody
- Hopkinton
- Cambridge
- Springfield
- Lynn
- Franklin
- Fall River
- Westfield
- Arlington
- Dorchester
- Dedham
- Haverhill
- Centerville
- New Bedford
- Princeton
- Oak Bluffs
Dual Diagnosis Drug Rehabilitation Facilities in and around Barre, Massachusetts:
- Stetson School Inc is located at 455 South Street Barre MA. and can be contacted by calling 978-355-4541.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Programs for Patients with Dual-Diagnosis or Co-occurring Disorders, Lesbian/Gay Dual-Diagnosis Drug Abuse Services, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services for the Hearing Impaired, Spanish Speaking
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Self Payment - McLean Fernside (12.1 miles from Barre) is located at 162 Mountain Road Princeton MA. and can be contacted by calling 978-464-2141.
Treatment Services: Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Programs, Residential Short-Term Treatment for Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Residential Long-Term Treatment for Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Programs for Patients with Dual-Diagnosis or Co-occurring Disorders, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Programs for Women, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Programs for Men, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services for the Hearing Impaired
Payment Forms Accepted: Self Payment - GAAMHA Inc (12.6 miles from Barre) is located at 171 Graham Street Gardner MA. and can be contacted by calling 978-632-4574.
Treatment Services: Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Programs, Halfway Housing Services, Residential Long-Term Treatment for Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Abuse, AIDS and HIV Patient Services for Dual-Diagnosis Drug Addiction, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Programs for Men, Foreign Languages other than Spanish
Payment Forms Accepted: Self Payment, Sliding-Scale Fee, Payment Assistance for Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab - Carson Center (13.2 miles from Barre) is located at 96 South Street Ware MA. and can be contacted by calling 413-967-6241.
Treatment Services: Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Programs, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment - Heywood Hospital (13.2 miles from Barre) is located at 242 Green Street Gardner MA. and can be contacted by calling 978-632-3420.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Hospital Inpatient Programs for Dual-Diagnosis Patients, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services for the Hearing Impaired
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment - Recovery Centers of America (14.6 miles from Barre) is located at 9 Village Inn Road Westminster MA. and can be contacted by calling 800-732-6837.
Treatment Services: Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Programs, Drug and Alcohol Detoxification for Dual-Diagnosis Patients, Programs for Patients with Dual-Diagnosis or Co-occurring Disorders, Lesbian/Gay Dual-Diagnosis Drug Abuse Services, Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab and Alcohol Abuse Treatment for Seniors, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Programs for Women, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Programs for Men
Payment Forms Accepted: - CHD Outpatient Behavioral Health Servs (15.7 miles from Barre) is located at 131 West Main Street Orange MA. and can be contacted by calling 978-544-2148.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment - McAuley Nazareth Home for Boys Inc (15.9 miles from Barre) is located at 77 Mulberry Street Leicester MA. and can be contacted by calling 508-892-4886 x23.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance - LUK Crisis Center Inc (16.9 miles from Barre) is located at 545 Westminster Street Fitchburg MA. and can be contacted by calling 978-345-0685.
Treatment Services: Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Programs, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Programs for Adolescents, Programs for Patients with Dual-Diagnosis or Co-occurring Disorders, Foreign Languages other than Spanish
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding-Scale Fee, Payment Assistance for Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab - CleanSlate Centers (17.8 miles from Barre) is located at 411 Chandler Street Worcester MA. and can be contacted by calling 413-341-1787.
Treatment Services: Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Programs, Drug and Alcohol Detoxification for Dual-Diagnosis Patients, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services for the Hearing Impaired
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment
- Alabama
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