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Dual Diagnosis Drug Rehabilitation Facilities in and around McComb, Mississippi:
- Region XI Southwest MS Mental Health is located at 651 South Broadway Street McComb MS. and can be contacted by calling 601-684-7543.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Spanish Speaking
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Self Payment - New Directions PSR is located at 304 Kendall Street McComb MS. and can be contacted by calling 601-250-5758.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Day Treatment Programs for Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Private Insurance, Self Payment - Southwest MS Mental Health Complex is located at 1701 White Street McComb MS. and can be contacted by calling 601-684-2173.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding-Scale Fee - Hospitality PSR Program is located at 534 West Michigan Avenue McComb MS. and can be contacted by calling 601-684-3227.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Private Insurance, Self Payment - Region XI Southwest MS is located at 140 North 5th Street McComb MS. and can be contacted by calling 601-684-4320.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Programs for Patients with Dual-Diagnosis or Co-occurring Disorders
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding-Scale Fee - Jolimar Recovery Center (6.7 miles from McComb) is located at 1038 River Ridge Road Summit MS. and can be contacted by calling 601-276-9556.
Treatment Services: Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Programs, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Programs for Patients with Dual-Diagnosis or Co-occurring Disorders, AIDS and HIV Patient Services for Dual-Diagnosis Drug Addiction, Lesbian/Gay Dual-Diagnosis Drug Abuse Services, Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab and Alcohol Abuse Treatment for Seniors, Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment for Pregnant Women, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Programs for Women, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Programs for Men, Services for DUI Offenders, Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Forms Accepted: Private Insurance, Self Payment - Serenity Summit LLC (7.3 miles from McComb) is located at 1056 Tower Road Summit MS. and can be contacted by calling 601-276-6745.
Treatment Services: Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Programs, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Services for DUI Offenders, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services for the Hearing Impaired
Payment Forms Accepted: Self Payment - Region 8 Mental Health Services CSU (27.1 miles from McComb) is located at 725 Brookman Drive Extension Brookhaven MS. and can be contacted by calling 601-823-2300.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Payment Assistance for Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab - Region 8 Mental Health Services (27.7 miles from McComb) is located at 624 Highway 51 North Brookhaven MS. and can be contacted by calling 601-823-2345.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Programs for Patients with Dual-Diagnosis or Co-occurring Disorders, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services for the Hearing Impaired, Spanish Speaking
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment - Jefferson Davis Community Hospital (41.1 miles from McComb) is located at 1102 Rose Street Prentiss MS. and can be contacted by calling 601-792-1130.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Hospital Inpatient Programs for Dual-Diagnosis Patients, Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab and Alcohol Abuse Treatment for Seniors, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services for the Hearing Impaired
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment
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