Drug Rehab by City
- New York
- Bronx
- Long Beach
- Staten Island
- Oceanside
- Yonkers
- Schenectady
- Pomona
- Lancaster
- Binghamton
- Niagara Falls
- Queens Village
- Rome
- New Rochelle
- Far Rockaway
- Spring Valley
- Huntington Station
- Hempstead
- Valley Stream
- Hamden
- Medford
- Lockport
- Highland
- Auburn
- South Ozone Park
- Elmhurst
- Tonawanda
- Westbury
- Patchogue
- Great Neck
- New Hyde Park
- Hicksville
- Ronkonkoma
- Norwich
- East Meadow
- Smithtown
- Saratoga Springs
- Central Islip
- Wantagh
- Plattsburgh
- Northport
- Ossining
- Commack
- Yorktown Heights
- Hyde Park
- Harrison
- Orchard Park
- Newburgh
- Brentwood
- Amityville
- Long Island City
- Oakdale
- Flushing
- Franklin Square
- Little Neck
- Queensbury
- Gloversville
- West Hempstead
- Bethpage
- Riverhead
- Peekskill
- Troy
- Hannibal
- Suffern
- Seaford
- Kew Gardens
- Oswego
- Cohoes
- East Amherst
- Manhasset
- Potsdam
- Hauppauge
- Farmingville
- Albany
- Monticello
- Mount Kisco
- Nyack
- Glen Oaks
- Mastic
- Richmond Hill
- Glens Falls
- Oneonta
- Port Jervis
- Hornell
- Watertown
- East Hampton
- Woodmere
- Carmel
- Penn Yan
- Hampton Bays
- Hudson Falls
- Owego
- Catskill
- Lake Grove
- Geneseo
- Rensselaer
- Millbrook
- Seneca Falls
- Dobbs Ferry
- Bohemia
- Rhinebeck
- Herkimer
- Syracuse
- Jamestown
- Valley Cottage
- Bellport
- Port Jefferson
- Ellenville
- Hewlett
- Middletown
- Salamanca
- Ithaca
- Clifton Springs
- Corning
- Orangeburg
- Geneva
- Tully
- Blauvelt
- Old Bethpage
- Kerhonkson
- Rochester
- Mount Vernon
- Mattituck
- Watkins Glen
- Yaphank
- Guilderland
- Lyons
- Mount Morris
- Schoharie
- Canton
- Evans Mills
- Westhampton Beach
- Appleton
- Wellsville
- Lake Katrine
- Hudson
- Irving
- Malone
- Baldwin
- Ogdensburg
- Hogansburg
- Huntington
- Dansville
- Warsaw
- Liberty
- Newark
- Utica
- Astoria
- Waterloo
- Lewiston
- Elizabethtown
- Plainview
- Norwood
- Cortland
- Batavia
- New Windsor
- White Plains
- Albion
- Forest Hills
- Granville
- Buffalo
- Tarrytown
- Massena
- Fulton
- Bath
- Amsterdam
- Island Park
- Garrison
- Coram
- Olean
- Mexico
- Roosevelt
- Deer Park
- Brewster
- Latham
- Poughkeepsie
- Kingston
- Ovid
- Jamaica
- Montrose
- Wainscott
- Garden City
- Mineola
- Elmira
- Eden
- Monroe
- Woodside
- Oneida
- Liverpool
- Brooklyn
- Glen Cove
- Tuckahoe
- Bay Shore
- Westons Mills
Dual Diagnosis Drug Rehabilitation Facilities in and around Highland, New York:
- Child and Family Guidance Center and is located at 106 Vineyard Avenue Highland NY. and can be contacted by calling 845-691-9191.
Treatment Services: Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Programs, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Programs for Adolescents, Programs for Patients with Dual-Diagnosis or Co-occurring Disorders, AIDS and HIV Patient Services for Dual-Diagnosis Drug Addiction, Lesbian/Gay Dual-Diagnosis Drug Abuse Services, Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab and Alcohol Abuse Treatment for Seniors, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Programs for Women, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Programs for Men, Criminal Justice Clients, Spanish Speaking
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding-Scale Fee - St Josephs Addiction Trt Recovery Ctr (3.3 miles from Highland) is located at 7 Fallkill Place Poughkeepsie NY. and can be contacted by calling 845-483-7051.
Treatment Services: Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Programs, Halfway Housing Services, Residential Long-Term Treatment for Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Programs for Women, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Programs for Men
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Private Insurance, Self Payment - DC Dept Behavioral Community Health (3.3 miles from Highland) is located at 230 North Road Poughkeepsie NY. and can be contacted by calling 845-486-2738.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Day Treatment Programs for Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Programs for Patients with Dual-Diagnosis or Co-occurring Disorders
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding-Scale Fee, Payment Assistance for Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab - Westchester Medical Center (3.4 miles from Highland) is located at 241 North Road Poughkeepsie NY. and can be contacted by calling 845-431-8283.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Hospital Inpatient Programs for Dual-Diagnosis Patients, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services for the Hearing Impaired, Spanish Speaking, Foreign Languages other than Spanish
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment - Astor Servs for Children and Families (3.6 miles from Highland) is located at 205 South Avenue Poughkeepsie NY. and can be contacted by calling 845-554-1365.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Day Treatment Programs for Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Private Insurance, Self Payment - Mid Hudson Addiction Recovery Centers (3.6 miles from Highland) is located at 51 Cannon Street Poughkeepsie NY. and can be contacted by calling 845-471-0310.
Treatment Services: Drug and Alcohol Detoxification for Dual-Diagnosis Patients
Payment Forms Accepted: Private Insurance, Self Payment, Payment Assistance for Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab - Mid Hudson Valley Div of WMC (3.6 miles from Highland) is located at 201 South Avenue Poughkeepsie NY. and can be contacted by calling 845-483-5512.
Treatment Services: Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Programs, General Health Program for Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Addiction, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Programs for Patients with Dual-Diagnosis or Co-occurring Disorders, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Programs for Women, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Programs for Men, Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Self Payment - MHA of Dutchess County (4 miles from Highland) is located at 253 Mansion Street Poughkeepsie NY. and can be contacted by calling 845-831-6172.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Day Treatment Programs for Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Programs for Patients with Dual-Diagnosis or Co-occurring Disorders, Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab and Alcohol Abuse Treatment for Seniors, Spanish Speaking, Foreign Languages other than Spanish
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Self Payment - Poughkeepsie Center PROS (4 miles from Highland) is located at 26 Oakley Street Poughkeepsie NY. and can be contacted by calling 845-240-7707.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Services, Programs for Patients with Dual-Diagnosis or Co-occurring Disorders
Payment Forms Accepted: Medicaid Assistance, Medicare Assistance, Private Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding-Scale Fee - Florence Manor CR (4.5 miles from Highland) is located at 24 West Cottage Road Poughkeepsie NY. and can be contacted by calling 845-214-1188.
Treatment Services: Dual-Diagnosis Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Programs, Halfway Housing Services, Residential Long-Term Treatment for Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Dual-Diagnosis Drug and Alcohol Programs for Women
Payment Forms Accepted: Self Payment
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming